The Golden for Jackson County campaign isn't a series of speeches from the Answer Man. It's a conversation, because the energy and ideas that will build a great community will come from all corners of this Valley. We'll tell you what we think, but we have to hear from you. too. That's the purpose of this blog. Come find out what the campaign's all about.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My opponent takes me aside

After a meeting we both attended last week, my opponent asked if I had a minute and led me to the corner of a hallway. He looked at me with a lot of intensity and said "I just want you to know that I'm going to be running this campaign on the issues. Not on personalities, not on rumors or any of that stuff, just on the issues."

Same goes for me, I told him. We agreed that we have an opportunity to give citizens a quality election campaign without the usual ugliness and distractions. We shook hands and as he turned away he said, "and I want you to know that I'm telling my team that, too."

I don't know who's on his team, but if you're supporting our campaign, I count you on my team. So I'm saying to you what he claims to be saying to his team: let's keep this on issues and steer clear of any last-minute garbage. He is stepping up and asking to do important public service, and from what I can tell (I only met him a few months ago) he's a thoroughly decent guy. The difference between us, and it's big, is our beliefs on what Jackson County needs to thrive. You've heard mine, or can read them on the website. And his? Well, here's his website. See what you think.

I hope you're with us this election. Part of being with us is resisting any urge to scorch him, no matter what flaming Letters to the Editor come our way. I'm asking everyone involved with this campaign to keep your eye on the ball: a viable, quality future for us and the next generation.


  1. So then what's the dealio with your commercials about a smear campaign? What are you talking about?

  2. Good question. Here's another: Is an insinuation about a smear (that doesn't exist) itself a smear?


Here's where we'd like to here from you, on this topic or others that bear on life in Jackson County. Thanks.